Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Identity Theft by Robert Hammond

This is one of two books I picked up at the library on identity theft. Identity Theft book by Robert Hammond came out in 2003 so it is out of date. The difficulty with this type of book is that they do go out of date quickly. More accurate information can be found at reliable websites. Even so, many of the same bits of advice apply - shred paperwork, don't give out social security numbers, etc.

I read this book in less than an hour. And I use the term "read" rather loosely because I skimmed it until I found something worth reading. The first half of the book contains stories of people who either were a victim of identity theft or perpetrated identity theft. Either way, some of the stories were rather unbelievable. Even if they are true, they are told in such a way that makes you wonder. The book has little documentation for most of the stories. There are some useful generic forms to assist victims of identity theft. There are maybe 2 chapters that help victims of identity theft - hardly worth the original price of $14.99.

Book Rating: 2 stars

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