Monday, August 15, 2011

48 days to the work you love

48 Days to the Work you Love is an oft recommended book by Dave Ramsey. Dan Miller takes you through the process of helping you find work that you will love, or at least that is the hope. There is the usual career and resume advice that is found in other books. The updated edition adds additional information on how to find work in our current economy - and it's not about having the right resume. He includes some advice on starting your own business - though not a lot.

Dan Miller's book is written by a Christian for Christians. There are scriptural and inspirational quotes throughout. The 48 days concept is that within 48 days - the length of time needed to work through his self-evaluation plan - you will have your own plan or will have achieved finding the work you love. Some may find the Christian point of view off-putting, though it didn't bother me. The career advice is useful to anyone who wants to make a change.

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