Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Artist's Journal Workshop


Have you ever wanted to keep an art journal? Cathy Johnson's new book may provide you with inspiration to try it. Cathy's perspective is that your art journal should also serve as your journal and include text and drawings of places and people you encounter. She encourages you to make this a daily habit. The book gives instruction on types of journals and basic art supplies. Some instruction is given on composition and laying out the design.

I liked the book and found it very inspiring. There are lots of examples from various artists. There is a URL link on the bottom of every page - a little overkill perhaps - that is supposed to have more art journaling pages for you to see. The URL was difficult to type in as it is long and rather difficult. Also, when you finally make it through to the right website, you have to register to see anything more. Too much work IMO. Instead, I found the authors blog which hosts several artists who share their journaling. I found that sufficient to subscribe to in my blog reader and to help keep up the motivation.

If you want to learn more about art journaling, this book would be a good place to start.

The books I select for review are books which I personally select from my local library. I do not receive any reimbursement from authors or publishers or free books. I do provide links to Amazon as a convenience to the readers of this blog. I do earn a small referral pittance which is not even enough to buy a soda.

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